This example demonstrate how to send data between Raspberry Pi and Arduino Esplora board via USB, using Node.js.
Node.js script run on Raspberry Pi.
//To install 'serialport' locally, enter the command: //$ npm install serialport //Otherwise, Error: Cannot find module 'serialport' will reported var SerialPort = require("serialport").SerialPort var serialPort = new SerialPort('/dev/ttyACM0', { baudrate: 9600, dataBits: 8, parity: 'none', stopBits: 1, flowControl: false }); serialPort.on("open", function () { console.log('open'); serialPort.on('data', function(data) { console.log('data received: ' + data); }); serialPort.write("Hello from Raspberry Pi\n", function(err, results) { console.log('err ' + err); console.log('results ' + results); }); });
Arduino side, (same as in the post "Serial communication between Arduino Esplora and PC").
#include <Esplora.h> #include <TFT.h> #include <SPI.h> int prevSw1 = HIGH; int incomingByte = 0; String charsIn = ""; char printout[20]; //max char to print: 20 void setup() { EsploraTFT.begin(); EsploraTFT.background(0,0,0); EsploraTFT.stroke(255,255,255); //preset stroke color //Setup Serial Port with baud rate of 9600 Serial.begin(9600); //indicate start Esplora.writeRGB(255, 255, 255); delay(250); Esplora.writeRGB(0, 0, 0); } void loop() { int sw1 = Esplora.readButton(SWITCH_1); if(sw1 != prevSw1){ if(sw1 == LOW){ Serial.println("Hello from Arduino Esplora"); } prevSw1 = sw1; } while (Serial.available()) { char charRead =; charsIn.concat(charRead); } if(charsIn != ""){ Serial.println("How are you, " + charsIn); charsIn.toCharArray(printout, 21); EsploraTFT.background(0,0,0); EsploraTFT.text(printout, 0, 10); charsIn = ""; } }
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